Tim, Tim Jun Li
Digital Design Director
以优秀的成绩先后毕业于香港中文大学(本科学士)和荷兰代尔夫特大学TU Delft (研究生毕业,博士生)。专业基础知识过硬,具有优秀的设计思维与3D建模与模拟技能。曾深度参与Horizon2020欧盟项目中(2018-2020),负责设计用于手感、皮肤感觉和热磨损舒适的电子购物API插件用户界面,服务于B2C界面;进行耐磨耐热模拟,并生成报告;进行3D虚拟模拟服装热和水分性能模拟。其取得优秀的科研成果,发表多篇文章,并取得1项专利。具有丰富的企业管理经验,曾先后就业于多 家企业公司,并担任董事,CEO等职位 。
Graduated with distinction (cum laude) from TU Delft in MsC Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences, Tim Jun Li has excellent design thinking and 3D modelling and simulation skillsets. Tim Jun Li was deeply involved in the Textile Industry Chain Big Data Platform EU Horizon 2020 project and was responsible for designing the e-shopping API plug-in user interface for hand feel, skin feel and thermal wear comfort. His expertise covers 3D virtual simulations of clothing thermal and moisture performance, and has contributed to publications of several excellent scientific research results, articles and patents. He has worked closely with Textile Bioengineering Informatics Society (TBIS) to organize world class international symposiums, and in the founding and establishment of the International Digital Health and Intelligent Material Innovation Alliance (IDHIMIA), as well as the Fashion Big Data foundation (FBDf).