Henry, Yi Li
CEO & Chief Scientist
CEO, 首席科学家
Lifetime fellow, Royal Society of Art Manufacturing and Commerce
Fellow of the International Textile Association
Chair Professor of Department of Materials, University of Manchester
Doctoral supervisor and chief scientist of several nanotechnology, smart materials, biological functional materials, smart wearable and clothing functional design technology research projects.
Elected in 2018 as the convenor of WG2 E-Textile Wearables, IEC TC124 Wearable electronic devices and technologies.
Research funding:
128 million RMB
Research results:
Has over 500 scientific publications, including 426 SCI/CPCI papers and peer reviewed conference papers with 13423 citations and h-index of 62 and i10-index 241 as being recognized as an international leading expert in smart functional textiles. He is selected on the list of “Highly Cited Researcher” in 2013 by THOMSON REUTERS.
Trained over 130 research personnel and supervised 60 PhDs. Awarded 6 scientific and technological achievements appraisal, 1 international leading level, 2 international advanced level. Acquired over 50 international academic awards, including outstanding scientists of the 20th century (Cambridge, UK).
Technological invention and industrialization:
Owns over 80 patents, 46 patents granted in China, US and Australia, and 30 IP properties transferred to the industry.
Moisture Management Tester (MMT) won outstanding innovation and technology transfer awards (2010, Hong Kong), and has been sold to more than 30 countries and developed as the national testing standards in USA and China.
The Fabric Touch Tester (FTT) won gold award (2013, Geneva) and has been sold to many countries.
The high-performance sportswear designed and developed by his team has been successfully transferred to industry and utilized to support elite athletes in major sports competitions in the world, including 2008 Beijing Olympic Game and 2012 London Olympic Game.
The Anti-Heat Stress Clothing for Construction Workers won grand prize and gold medal (2016, Geneva), Hong Kong Contraction Industry Council Grand prize (2015), Charted Institute of Building (CIOB) International Innovation & Research Awards (UK, 2015), and has been transferred to Hong Kong Construction Industry.
Entrepreneur team:
Digital Clothing Limited (HK) awarded the 2015 Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission Entrepreneurship Fund
Digital Clothing Limited (UK) shortlisted in the 2021 EU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Radar Competition
研发研究经费1.28 亿人民币,是多项纳米技术、智能材料、生物功能材料,智能可穿戴及服装功能设计技术研究项目的首席科学家;培养了130多位学科带头人, 包括60多位博士。
发表论文600多篇,主编出版专著13部;著作、论文引用总次数13626,h-指数62 及i10-指数 241, 获得汤姆森路透集团提名选为2013年度高引学者。
科技成果鉴定6项,国际学术奖励50多项, 包括二十世纪杰出科学家(英国剑桥).
目前累计申请专利80项, 其中46项已获得中国、美国及澳大利亚专利权,共有27项创新技术向工业界转化。如:
织物触感测试仪(FTT)获国际发明金奖(2013, Geneva) 并销售到多个国家。
纳米口罩获国际发明金奖(2005, Brussels)
高性能运动服已成功推广到业界, 并用于支持精英运动员。
建筑工人防热制服获国际发明金奖(2016, Geneva),香港建筑业大奖(2015),英国建筑业国际发明研究大奖(2015),并转让给香港建筑业成为行业推荐标准。
Digital Clothing Ltd 数字服装有限公司(香港):获2015年度香港创新科技署创业基金
Digital Clothing Ltd 数字服装有限公司 (英国):获2021年度欧盟创新创业雷达大赛邀请入围