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Fashion Big Data Technology Platform - Textile Supply Chain Digitization and Industry 4.0

8 Jul 2021

TBIS 2021 FBDf Workshop

Internet, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are key technologies that drive the future of the fashion textile industry, enabling the development of new business models for the whole supply chain in the era of industry 4.0.

The workshop introduces a novel Fashion Big Data Technology platform that links consumer's needs to fashion textile products, addressing global fashion market demands with the fashion product design and textile manufacturing process.

This platform, through data services, enables fashion branding retailers (B2C) as well as business partners in the supply chain (B2B) develop new buines models including but limited to:

  1. Agile and traceable supply chain business model.

  2. New consumer interation.

  3. Consumer and manufacturer model.

  4. Personalization prediction

  5. New consumption model.

Participants of the workshop had the opportunity to learn about the latest technological innovations, and how to develop their business with big data, while establishing new collaborations and defining recommendations for the future developments in the field.

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